Ichicraft announces integration with Liquit

Zoetermeer, June 2, 2021 – Ichicraft Boards, your personal productivity hub, is proud to announce the integration of Liquit to allow users to launch every possible (virtual) application without experiencing friction. This raises the bar for one of the most important aspects of any digital workplace which is seamless and compliant launching of applications to get your work done.

“Together Liquit and Ichicraft reduce digital friction and bring back the joy in work. As Liquit reduces the complexity around launching applications we do that same for the Microsoft 365 platform. Together we allow users to focus on the result instead of the technological means to get there.”

–  Reinier Smit.

ILaunch apps from Liquit in Ichicraft Boards
Setup your entitlements, apps and rules in Liquit and offer a great experience in Ichicraft Boards.

About Liquit

Liquit is a modern, end-to-end application management platform that eliminates unnecessary effort that is too often exerted by employees in using technology for work. Integrated with Ichicraft Boards, Liquit operates as an application delivery solution that allows users to launch and utilize all applications, across multiple platforms and devices. By simply clicking the icon.

Liquit delivers an exceptional user experience through their exclusive Smart Icon technology. Smart icons appear to the end-user as typical desktop icons. However, they are in fact shortcuts to packages that deliver all the required services to successfully launch an application based on the end-user’s context through single sign-on. Regardless of the delivery mechanism or environment. From installing the application or automatically starting a remote desktop connection, to drive mapping and connecting network printers. All dependencies can be delivered to enable end-users to successfully launch and use the application.

With Liquit users only need to press the icon and Liquit takes care of the rest. Empowering employees to focus on their work and be more productive. Taking application delivery to a whole new level. Chuck Brady, Vice President with Liquit stated, “With the combined value of Liquit and Ichicraft, companies can realize true work from anywhere capabilities with the customizations that end-users enjoy without burdening IT or adding additional resources to manage the back-end infrastructure. We are elated to join forces with Ichicraft and welcome them to the Liquit partner family”.

About Ichicraft

Ichicraft Boards delivers a personal, unified, and actionable digital workplace for Microsoft 365. By deploying Ichicraft Boards to their Microsoft Teams or SharePoint Online, companies can bring together all the information that is relevant for their employees from multiple sources and display it in a single page. Users can take this page and easily customize it to their specific needs, making it the perfect entry point to perform their daily work.

Ichicraft Boards delivers actionable information to users, so that they do not need to search for this. It does this by offering a catalog with a wide variety of widgets that bring in news, e-mail, meetings, application links, reports and more. By leveraging audience targeting each user can start with a board that delivers widgets and content that is specific to their persona. Using easy in page controls that user can change the layout, widgets, and content to create a personal productivity hub.

Even though Ichicraft Boards already had an application launcher widget that presents relevant applications to each user, it was not aware of the context that those users are in. Simply launching an application is not good enough anymore. Today’s technological environment has become increasingly hybrid and employees access applications through a wide variety of physical devices such as laptops, tablet computers and smartphones. This is where Liquit comes into play.

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