Onboarding Widget

Make new hires feel right at home

The Onboarding Widget streamlines the integration process for new hires, offering a personalized gateway to the company’s culture, values, and essential information. Through engaging videos, insightful presentations, and comprehensive web pages, new employees can quickly feel at home and become productive members of your team.

Some of the key functionalities this widget has to offer

Highlighted features

Target new employees

Organizations set the criteria for identifying new hires, deciding the maximum age of a user account to qualify as ‘new’. This ensures relevant content reaches the right employees at the crucial start of their journey.

Employee milestones

Improve employee engagement with milestone-based messages or articles. Celebrate ‘goals reached’ or invite ‘100 days at the company’ survey responses, ensuring key achievements and feedback moments are highlighted, creating a supportive atmosphere and encouraging dialogue among new hires.

Different types of content and multilingual

Maximize the onboarding experience with diverse content types—documents, presentations, web pages, and videos—all available in multiple languages.

This flexibility ensures every new employee receives information in the most accessible and engaging format, accommodating a global workforce.

Start a 30-day free trial

Set up a demo with our team or start your 30-day trial to discover how it can change your digital workplace.