Marketplace Widget
Time to declutter and sell what you don't really need
The Marketplace Widget enables companies to introduce a dynamic marketplace within their digital workspace. This feature enhances engagement and creates a more social environment by allowing employees to share books, sell unused items, or offer services such as carpooling.
Transform your digital workplace into a thriving community hub where employees can connect and exchange goods and services!
Highlighted features
Dialog with all details
All adverts in the Marketplace Widget are clickable, opening a detailed dialog with comprehensive information. For example, if a colleague is selling a Nintendo Switch, clicking on the advert will display images of the item, a thorough description, and a contact button to directly message the seller.
User-friendly advert creation
Creating advertisements in the Marketplace Widget is straightforward and user-friendly. Users can easily upload multiple images of the item for sale, and input a title, category, description, and price.
This simple process ensures that anyone can quickly and effectively create a detailed and appealing advert, making it easier to connect with potential buyers within the digital workplace.
Admin actions on adverts
Administrators have the responsibility of creating and managing categories for the Marketplace Widget. They also oversee the adverts added by users to ensure that they conform to company rules and policies.
This allows administrators to maintain a well-organized marketplace that aligns with the company’s standards and provides a safe and reliable platform for employees to exchange goods and services.